Food, drink, travel and everything inbetween.

Our last day!

Saturday 19th September 2020

We slept well last night, not surprising after such a long day yesterday. We open all the blinds of the van and have a lovely view of the Solent which we sit and admire over breakfast. We are home. Our last day, we are relieved though to be back and all above board.

Another long day today, van de-prep, laundry, and getting the house back up and running after 7weeks away. Hayley has today and part of tomorrow to get prepared to go back to work.

Once home its a massive job. Jess the van is stripped and completely deep cleaned. Hayley has found a home for all the stuff off the van which mainly consists of German food!?

By 3 pm Jess has been jet washed and looks brand new again. We put her back into storage with her cover on and wave her goodbye until the next time we all meet.

Thanks Jess…

And finally to you, dear reader MANY THANKS…

We would like to say many thanks to all our family, friends, and colleges who have followed us. We have appreciated all of the comments and emails. We were supposed to go to Scandinavia but the new rules that we are asked to follow stopped that from happening but our France trip, with the German bolt-on, was excellent. Should we have gone? Of course, we should. We could have put it off until next year but we feel that the same problems will probably be with us next year, we can’t put off living for an unspecified time.

We also know that many people have not been able to enjoy a holiday this year for other reasons as a result of the virus for which we feel sad, such a shame. The virus is with us for the foreseeable future now and we have to change some aspect of the way we live but don’t put anything off through your own choice. Avoiding the virus is straight forward, wash your hands a lot, don’t touch your face, and wear a mask when there is a bunch of you about and keep your distance.

Our very best wishes to each of you and we hope that we will be able to meet up again in the old fashioned, tried and tested way that we all know and love.

Del, H and Jess.

Thanks for looking after us Jess…


  1. Danielle Hyde

    Glad you are both home safe and sound! Jess can rest for the winter and be raring to go next year as will you both! 😊

  2. Liz and Sarah

    Glad to hear that you are home safely. Really enjoyed following your trip – excellent commentary and photos throughout! Hope work goes okay Hayley.

    Keep in touch xx

  3. Janet & Tony

    Thank you for the last two posts – brilliant! Now you can spend the winter months planning your next big adventure for us all to enjoy with you!

  4. Paste

    Thoroughly enjoyed your trip. Please blog again next time you go so I can holiday vicariously!
    Miss you both xx

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