Food, drink, travel and everything inbetween.

The French Alps. We have arrived!

Tuesday 11th August 2020

Condes to Semnoz – 121 km

Today we will make for some cooler, fresher air, and our first stop in the French Alps proper. We are heading to the town of Annecy but we are not staying there, we will make the 1700 meter climb to Semnoz peak which has a 360-degree view of Lac du Bourget on one side and the Alps stretching across Switzerland and Italy on the other. The route is part toll and part free, but what a route. We go some of the way on the “White Motorway” which has the most amazing views. The landscape has changed considerably. Mountainous and green. Superb.

Our final stop is the Refuge d’ Semnoz. It’s a bit of a slog up some very steep and hairpin bends for about 40 minutes. Once it flattens out, after some 1650m height, we see the clearing of where we can park up. Sure enough, the view is astounding. From the front of the van, we see the Alps, Swiss, French and Italian, all in a line as well as Mont Blanc. An amazing site. At the back of the van, we can look down into the valley with Lake Bourget and the surrounding towns. From this spot, we can see the sunset in the valley at night and watch it come up again over the Alps.

There is nothing here except for some excellent walks and cycling. It’s challenging stuff on a bike, we watched some mad cyclists do the 1650 meter high climb just so they could get a photo at the summit.

Cyclists climb the hill and pose by this for a photo… Would you?

Once settled in a spot we get the walking boots on and off we go for a short walk. There are some things here but not much. Three restaurants and two shops selling local cheese and we mean local, the cows and sheep freely wander around the Alpine hills. All you can hear all day and all night is the clanging of the cowbells as they eat and eats and eat. That’s all they do, eat.

Cow bells. That’s all you can hear here.

Towards the end of our walk, we see what looks like gliders, it turns out that they are radio-controlled gliders, a local club comes here and flies them. They are amazing to watch and it kills a good 45 mins watching them skillfully control these model planes.

On the way back to the van we pop into one of the local cheese shops and buy some local goats cheese for dinner tonight. We shall see how good it is then.

Chilling out and watching the cows go by is the order of the remaining of the day before dinner which tonight will be quesadillas, a glass of white followed by oat biscuits and the local cheese which was just the best. We agreed, the best goat’s cheese ever, not this white, glue-like stuff from Waitrose, but firm, creamy, and just excellent. The rest of the night was watching the sun setting behind us with the colour of the Alps changing at the front. Magic.


  1. Sarah & Liz

    Not been to Semnoz, but have visited Annecy. Our trip to Annecy was years ago when we were university students, rather than university staff. We went with Alan, who was Liz’s boyfriend at the time and his best friend Anthony.

    Hayley, don’t think you ever met Anthony, but you’ll remember Alan from that skip trip we did with you in Glen Shee ….

    Looks like you’re having a great time. Sunset sounds fab! Looking forward to the next instalment of your adventure.

    Love Sarah & Liz

  2. John Knight

    Sounds and looks absolutely delightful .

  3. Rob

    Looks stunning Del
    Enjoy x

  4. Janet & Tony

    What a wonderful viewpoint you have in Semnoz! Those hairpin bends to the summit look scary too. We weren’t surprised to read about the cyclists as remember them actually passing us with ease when driving in the Tarn Gorge in the Ardeche! At least the very hot weather should be more bearable up there and you can enjoy the spectacular views.

    • Del

      It’s brilliant.. Bet you’ve been here?

      • Janet & Tony

        Not Semnoz – only Annecy!

        • Del

          Spent a couple of hours in Anncey. Very pretty town but far too busy so we had a quick look, used the free aire and left. Now sitting on Grand Bornand with a very beautiful alpine vista….

  5. Stu

    Hey Del, Hayley…..looks lovely. Once upon a time I skied the Vallée Blanche, wicked tons of blue ice. That cannot be that far away !!!
    All totally off piste. Wicked. !! See below. You 2 have fun. Luv S & N xxxx

  6. Marie and Eric

    Hi you two I think we will call Hayley Heidi, a lovely childhood book. Great to be following you again but not for me the hairpin bends !
    So glad you have managed this break you deserve it. The pics are incredible and hope your weather has cooled down, sure it will have by your location. Have a feeling you two may be retiring to France eventually (?)
    Our weather has been far too hot today and I think the same tomorrow but Sunday looks cooler. People ask how we coped with it in Spain (they just don’t understand)
    Enjoy the rest of your break we will be watching your adventure. xx
    p.s. your email still goes into my junk file despite me moving it last time !!

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