31st July 2020
Our aim is to get to the French Alps and back in 5 weeks. Easy. As there is no rush we thought that we would take it easy. We wake up this morning by a lovely lake in Arques and before breakfast we go for a bike ride around the smaller lake then into the small village for some bread, a “boule” of bread. It’s a beautiful morning so we have breakfast outside in the cool bright morning sunshine. Excellent.

Today we are going a staggering 54 km to a site that we have been to before. It’s a great adventure place if you like that kind of thing called Parc Olhain. It’s a quiet place with lots going on, a real family place but maybe it’ll be a bit more quiet considering what’s going on these days. It has a great place for motor-homing with large shaded areas which is perfect as today is forecast to be the hottest day of the year. The usual shower and washing facilities are closed due to the virus which is a shame. It’s ok for us however as Jess is fitted with hot running water an excellent shower.
We are in place and comfortable by 2pm, time for a walk. It’s hot… Very hot… We manage a short walk, an ice-cream, and back to the van and shade.
We settle back into the shade of the trees and take an impromptu drinks tasting of Europe stating with some beer from Spain (San Miguel). Followed by a Belgian Trappist beer called Rochefort (excellent!) A French red wine for dinner (with a very runny unpasteurised Brie).
It’s a lovely evening so we just sit and chat until nightfall just as the French red is running out. Time for bed…
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