In 2003 we bought a boat. It was quite a life changer. We sold our house, quit our jobs and had a brand new boat commissioned in southern France so that we could sail the Med for a year, then sell the boat and live in Spain. Well, that’s another story in itself…

After 14 years and lots of adventures we wanted to try something completely new, we’d done the sea, but how about the road? So we hired a motorhome in France for 7 days and thought we’d give it a try.

We loved it. It was a tough decision, but we decided that we would sell Stargazer and take to the road.
We sold our beloved boat “Stargazer” in the UK and after some very careful research about what kind of van we wanted, Hayley found the Roller Team T590.
What a beauty. She has everything we need in a small compact van. We didn’t want a large van, too much weight means too much fuel burnt, too long in length and you are restricted on where you can go. Our T590 is just under 6m long and comes in at under 3.5 tonnes. Perfect.
We want to do long trips away in Europe and this van, although small and compact, is perfect for what we want to do.
We collected our van on a rainy day in Worcester, had her fitted with a state-of-the-art alarm system in Taunton, and brought her back to the Isle of Wight to prepare her for her first trip away.
This is our blog about those trips. We write this blog for our family, friends and ourselves. We are not selling or promoting anything here, it’s just our little diary that we are sharing of our adventures away in our new addition to our lives, a 6m motorhome called “JESS“

Why not join us on our trip with ‘Jess” and start with our first journey?